Child Adaptation and Neurodevelopment (CAN) Lab


Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts

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Some publications are included twice as they fit into multiple categories. You can find a full list of publications here

Infant Stress Physiology

Behavioral Epigenetics

Maternal Mood Disorder

Prenatal Opioid and Other Substance Exposure

Newborn Neurobehavior

  • Conradt, E., Sheinkopf, S., Lester, B., Tronick, E., LaGasse, L.L., Shankaran, S., Bada, H., Bauer, C.R., Whitaker, T.M., & Hammond, J.A. (2013). Prenatal substance exposure: Neurobiologic organization at 1 month. The Journal of Pediatrics, 163, 989-994.
  • Conradt, E., Lester, B.M., Appleton, A.A., Armstrong, D.A., & Marsit, C.J. (2013). The roles of DNA methylation of NR3C1 and 11β-HSD2 and exposure to maternal mood disorder in utero on newborn neurobehavior. Epigenetics, 8, 1321-1329.
  • Lester, B.M., Conradt, E., Marsit, C.H. (2014). Are epigenetic changes in the intrauterine environment related to newborn neurobehavior? Epigenomics, 6, 175-180.
  • Hogan, W., Winter, S., Pinto, N., Weng, C., Sheng, X., Conradt, E., Wood, J., Puchalski, M., Tani, L., & Miller, T.A. (2018). Neurobehavioral evaluation of neonates with congenital heart disease. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 60, 1225-1231.
  • Ostlund, B.**, Vlisides-Henry, R.D., Crowell, S.E., Raby, K.L., Terrell, S., Brown, M.**, Tinajero, R., Shakiba, N.**, Monk, C., Shakib, J., Buchi, K.F., & Conradt, E. (2019). Intergenerational transmission of emotion dysregulation part II: Developmental origins of newborn neurobehavioral risk for psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology.

Emotion Dysregulation

*Denotes student co-author **The first and second authors contributed equally to this work